Wednesday, December 30, 2009

That's SOO Trashy

Every week, when I or my hubby roll the trash can to the curb, I am surprised at the amount of trash that my neighbor's produce. Their 55-60 gallon trash cans are overflowing and sometimes have an additional 30 gallon trash can that is overflowing too! We usually have one bag per week with second bag of trash per week and we have one kid in diapers.

How do we do it? First, we recycle. Yeah, believe it or not a lot of what others may throw away we recycle. So when you look at the amount of recycling we have every other week, which is two 30 gallon cans, I still don't think that it would amount to the same amount of trash that others produce. Secondly, we compost or use the garbage disposal, food trash NEVER goes into our trash can. Thirdly, I try not to use plastic bags for produce (I have mesh ones), for left overs (I reuse plastic containers), I bring my own bags to the store (reusable ones), and for the most part don't do convenience cooking. Fourth, we reuse items or put them to reuse by donating them to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or any local charity that may put them to good use. Fifth, we rarely use paper towels. It will literally take use a month to go through a roll. I use good old towels that we wash. Sixth, I am also conscious of packaging and TRY to purchase things that come in packaging that recycles or can be reused. (such as buying something in a can as opposed to a plastic bag)

Ok, so I realize that I am the exception. But I wish that others might think a little more about the trash they produce. Maybe an image of what the dump looks like might help. I'm sure one whiff of the dump might make a few others stop and think. I try and do the best that I can to help the planet survive knowing that others may not chose to or be financially able to do so. I still can't help think about how much trash one family produces. One 60 gallon trash can per week produces 3300 pounds which converts to 1.65 tons of trash!!! That is ALOT of trash. Maybe if trash pick-up service was more expensive people might think, how about $1= 1 pound. Could people afford $3300+ for trash pick up?

Maybe each person could try and find one new way to reduce the amount of trash they produce this year. Making one small step can make a difference and I challenge others to give it a try while we still have the chance!