Monday, August 24, 2009

Rain Check Please

Ok, I admit it, I am probably the lady you do not want to get behind in line at the grocery store. I bring my own bags, have tons of coupons, and almost always have a rain check to redeem. I love to get rain checks, if it is on sale and the store does not have the item, then I will get a rain check for my next visit.

I only go to the grocery store once a week, period, I do not go back during the same sale week. So when the Customer Service Person tells me that a truck is coming in that night or the next day and the item should be available, it makes no difference to me. I shop once a week, I do not go back to pick up something I missed. That can be a very costly trip to the store! Once I did go back to the store to get some milk for the baby and stupidly took my husband in with me- several pastries, doughnuts, and $35 later, I came out with the milk and several bags of groceries. ( I realize I probably got off easy too!)

A lot of the time, I find that the particular item I am looking for is not in stock for several weeks. My store honors its' rain checks for 30 days and if the item does not get restocked during that time, they will gladly extend the life of my rain check.

On August 4th, I got a rain check for Quorn Veggie Crumbles ("fake" hamburger meat) on sale for $3.99. They have not had it since then. This week when I went to the store they did have it and luckily I had 3 coupons as well! So I bought 5 packages and asked for my rain check back since technically, it is for 10 packages. The cashier told me they could not do it, I explained that the store commonly does this and has done it for me in the past.

So of course we involve the shift supervisor who comes and tells me that the cashiers have been getting in trouble for giving back rain checks and that the managers no longer allow this. So I said, "What if you give me another rain check instead? You can keep the old one and give me a new one to use the next time I come."

The Shift supervisor agreed, that would solve the problem of the cashier needing the rain check in her drawer and still allowing me to pick up more items for the rain check price in the future.
Except, the theory was flawed on their part, technically the rain check is for 10 items, I bought 5 and asked that I get the original rain check back so I could buy 5 more later. Instead they gave me a brand new rain check which technically is for 10 more at the sale price.

I did not purposely try to confuse the shift manager, I really did just want to get 5 more later. But I will use the rain check to my advantage and get 10 the next time. Besides 5 + 5 = 15 right?

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