Sunday, August 16, 2009

Toddler Bed Part II

After the fiasco of the toddler bed a few weeks ago, my daughter would climb out of the crib everyday after her nap or while I was trying to get her to nap. So while on vacation, the hubby and I agreed we would bite the bullet and bring out the toddler bed for good and take apart the crib. (with much sadness on our part acknowledging that our baby is not a baby)

This morning we disassembled the crib and brought the toddler bed into my daughter's room. She was very excited and climbed all over it and jumped on the bed. We decided to take her to the park as we do most Sunday mornings and she told us that she wanted to take a nap in the big girl bed. This was a good sign.

After lunch, I took her to her room to prepare for the nap. Climbing in and out, half in- half out, sitting, laying down, laying on her back with her legs on the wall, and other types of constant movement occurred while I sat nearby in the chair reading. After 45 minutes, I stepped in and applied the "mom techniques" that are known to put her to sleep. Five minutes later she was asleep!

She slept for 2 hours and woke up cranky so I did a little cuddling and she fell back asleep for another 1.5 hours. Could it be she is so tired from vacation or is the toddler bed just magical? I'm going with magical!

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